The online meeting is free of charge. Non-iLS-members please register by email to to receive contact details.
Young scientists (PhD and early career post-docs) are encouraged to submit abstracts to – (abstract deadline is 15th September). Best abstracts will be selected for short presentations and the best talks will be awarded.
Abstract Selection and Award Committee
Ralph Burkhardt, Gerhard Liebisch, Silke Matysik, Regensburg
Robert Ahrends, Wien; Dominik Schwudke; Borstel
Scientific Advisory Board: Harald Köfeler, Graz; Michael Holcapek, Pardubice; William Griffiths, Swansea; Kim Ekroos, Helsinki
Please note that participation in the Bioinformatics Symposium (on Friday, October 2nd) is already covered by the general conference registration.
Participation in the hands-on, interactive Bioinformatics for Lipidomics – Online Workshop (on Thursday, October 1st) is also free of charge but requires a separate registration for the European Lipidomics Meeting / Lipidomics Forum 2020.
Please note that this course has already exceeded its planned capacity of 40 participants. You may still register by contacting us via E-Mail ( at this time, but we can not guarantee at the moment that you will be able to participate in this workshop. We will put you on our waiting list and will notify you if there should be more space available in a first come-first served order! Depending on further demand, we may offer an additional workshop later this year or early next year.
If you have any further questions, please contact the workshop organizers at
The Bioinformatics for Lipidomics Online Workshop is organized by LIFS ( and is kindly supported by the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) and Elixir Germany